Dienstag, 29. August 2017

September Tour 2017 coming up fast!

Our tour together with GALL and Farson comes closer and closer. Check out the dates below and come around if you can!

15.09. Frankfurt, Klapperfeld w/ Organa, Farson, Lovve

16.09. Zappendvster Fest, Mülheim a.d. Ruhr w/ Organa, Farson, Ewig.Endlich. +++

17.09. Augsburg, Ballonfarbik w/ GALL

18.09. Prague, Fatal Music Club (CZ) w/ GALL, Toufar

20.09. Estrada Stagebar, Bydgoszcz (PL) w/ GALL

22.09. Warsaw, Przychodnia Sklot w/ GALL

23.09. Wellenbrecher Fest, Grimma w/ GALL, Method of Proof, Arnø X Duebel +++

24.09. Göttingen, Xbergring w/ GALL, Swoon (drop us a line for the adress)

Dienstag, 8. August 2017

September Tour 2017 w/ Farson & GALL

We're going on tour with FARSON and GALL in mid September.

15.09. Frankfurt w/ Organa, Farson, Lovve

16.09. Mühlheim, Zappendvster Fest w/ Organa, Farson +++

17.09. TBA / (GER) w/ Farson + GALL

18.09. Prague, Fatal Music Club w/ GALL

19.09. Krakow / Katovice TBA w/ GALL

20.09. Bygdoszsc w/ GALL (PL)

21.09. Gdynia (PL) TBA w/ GALL

22.09. Warsaw w/ GALL

23.09. Grimma, Wellenbrecher Fest

24.09. TBA (GER) w/ GALL

Feel free to contact us directly via Facebook or preferrably via abestmusic@gmail.com if you can hlep us out.

More infos soon.