Dienstag, 30. August 2022

Molten Husk Reviews, Part II

Another bunch of reviews for „Molten Husk“. Thank you so much for all the kind words! We are really overwhelmed and it‘s so cool to hear that all of you dig what we‘ve done on this new record. 

 „Prong, Yautja, vielleicht Full Of Hell - alle aber im sophisticated Gewaltausch, fast Feuilleton, trotzdem abgefuckt genug, um sich nicht zu sehr für Kunst zu interessieren. Spätestens wenn das Trio in Into A Mirrored Hall Mastodon mit fast schnörkelfreiem Old-School-Death-Metal dropkickt, ist der Spaß komplett.“ - Visions, Ausgabe 354 

„By not playing it safe or sticking to the script, Abest managed to create something far more interesting, and far more rewarding than many of their peers.“ - No Clean Singing 

„Produit avec doigté par Jan Oberg (à la manœuvre sur les albums de DOWNFALL OF GAIA, IMPLORE ou PRAISE THE PLAGUE), ce disque s’affiche d’ores et déjà comme l’une des sorties essentielles cette année en matière de post-metal/sludge dissonant (rayez la mention inutile). La frappe y est méthodique. Chirurgicale. Meurtrière. Et laissera l'auditeur sonné.“ - Hard Force

„Abest haben ein kurzweiliges und überdurchschnittlich starkes Album abgeliefert, das neue Gedankenansätze in Genres wie Metallic Hardcore, Post-Metal, Sludge, oder Post-Hardcore wirft.“ - Betreutes Proggen 

„Un disco ragionato e costruito con molta attenzione, in modo che non si ha mai, difatti, la parvenza di essere di fronte ad un prodotto costruito in fretta o con leggerezza. Ecco, leggerezza zero, per gli Abest.“ - Metalhead.it 

„Having an album so precise and short really can be a godsend. I’m excited for future releases and curious to know what ancient German deities these lads are possessed by to be able to display all of this pure and bitter hatred for humanity.“ - The Sleeping Shaman 

Montag, 22. August 2022

On Tour w/ Ashenspire

This coming October, we will hit the road together with Ashenspire from Glasgow. To get warmed up, listen to their absolutely amazing record ‚Hostile Architecture‘. It’s full of dissonant riffs and frantic jazz outbursts. This will be a weekend for the books, that‘s for sure. 

20/10 - Emscherdamm, Oberhausen 
21/10 - Gerber, Weimar 
22/10 - Stumpf, Hannover 

Poster by Tobias Holmbeck

Freitag, 19. August 2022

Stream Molten Husk in full

„Molten Husk“ is streaming in full over at Decibel Magazine. You can also read some words written by Patrick over there as well. Enjoy! 

Mittwoch, 17. August 2022

Molten Husk Reviews, Part I

First reviews for „Molten Husk“ start poppin‘ up!

 „Komplett am Rad gedreht für vollen Erfolg: Abest drehen etwas an den Stellschrauben und machen damit alles richtig. „Molten Husk“ ist tatsächlich ihre bislang beste Platte, was bei dem ohnehin unterhaltsamen Katalog etwas heißt.“ - Demonic-Nights.at 

„There is not one ounce of subtlety on this album, the slow parts are devastating and feral, the fast parts brutal and fixated on hurting you and any relaxing of pace is interjected with the sort of unease that never fully prepares you for what is coming next. Abest are both devastatingly savage and unrelenting in equal measure and it’s a beautiful thing to behold.“ - Musipedia Of Metal 

„Molten Husk de Abest es un disco cargado de sensaciones agresivas y furiosas, donde los elementos técnicos y elaborados son detalles que no merman en su música, pero ayudan a crear todo esa masa negra y cruel que la banda trata de enfocarse. Porque la música en su concepción solo te dice, escucha y recibirás muchas dosis de odio y fuerza en cada segundo. Buen disco.“ - Metallerium Webzine

 „Molten Husk“ will be out this Friday, August 19th, on Moment of Collapse Records.

Mittwoch, 10. August 2022

Hannover on August 21st

 We well play Hannover next weekend on August 21st together with Trespasser

Mittwoch, 3. August 2022

Molten Husk Video

Have you watched the video for "Molten Husk", the title track off our upcoming full length, yet? "Molten Husk" will be out August 19th.